and here are the song list~~~
2. Sparks Fly
3. Back to December
4. Speak Now
5. Dear John
6. Mean
7. The Story of Us
8. Never Grow Up
9. Enchanted
10. Better Than Revenge
11. Innocent
12. Haunted
13. Last Kiss
14. Long Live
I wish i can be as pretty as this baby doll,,,hahaha,,tapi itu cuma angan-angan,,sebab saya bersyukur dengan apa yang ada sekarang,,tapi kalau cantik macam dya lagi best kan?muahahaa,,
Dah tengok her new hair?kalau belum tengok her new hair,,yukk,,saya bagi tengok free-free kat sini,,mauahaha(cehh,,macam la orang lain ta boleh google sendiri kelly,,,hehe)
Look at her straight new hair,,,,,nice meyh? very-very nice one kan?,,huhu,,

she's my favourite ,
paling suka dengar lagu back to december . dengar ulang2 sampai hafal lyric dia . hioho
wowwwww~~~~she's so great kan?love herr~~~weeee~~~^-^
OH GOD ! she's too sexy with her new one (:
do u remember we were sittin' there by d' water , u put ur arm around me 4 d' 1st time , u made a rebel of a careless man careful daughter , u r d' best thing that always be mine (:
kita adore taylor!
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